Overview of the features of Order Management Module

The main goal of the Hybris eCommerce Suite is to integrate the order process of a company. Here is the list of the features offer by this module to towards this goal. In every case, further customization is required.

Key Features

  • Integrates order processes from multiples channels. Hybris offers interfaces to integrate points of sale, warehouses, financial, payment and fraud detection systems. ERP, CRM, Call Center Apps could also be used.
  • Order Controller: Manages the steps of the order process. Third parties may react to state changes or add functionality.
  • The order server keeps track on the changes on the order, the entries and the consignments.
  • The orders may be splitted, routed separately and be sent, when the warehouse receives the item.
  • An order may be canceled.
  • It displays the aggregated stock of a group of products.
  • It consists of the basecommerce and payment extensions. The technical details are explained in the documentation of those extensions.


  • A mutichannel ecommerce strategy requires a single source of product information (PIM)
  • Crosschannel strategy: Guiding the customer from one channel to the another one using vouchers, gifts, loyalty programs and store events. This stimulates the customer to purchase.
  • Used in conjunction with the Accelerator:
    • Web Stock: Products available in the warehouses linked to a base store.
    • In Store Stock: Products available in the warehouses linked to a point of service with type store. These products are available for pick up.

–Based on Hybris 6.1


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