Table of Contents

Base Commerce Extension - Key concepts

The hybris documentation about this extension is so detailed, that it may take some hours to read it throughly. It wrote this summary for the Hybris eCommerce certification.

Key Concepts


They shouldn't be used in production without customization.

Order Cancel Service

Return Service

Refund Service

Order Versioning

This functionality is privided by the OrderHistoryService. Here is a diagramm with the involved classes

Order Splitting

.Order Entry GroupsConsignments
Applies toCart and Order entriesOrder entries
Grouping byA charateristic like the delivery address or pickup location By the delivery location
 Further splitting? No Yes, a consignment can be splitted
 Has it owns status? No Yes
 Result of one order entry Maximal one group It may result in many consigments
Are applicable to every entry?Yes, each entry must belong to a group No, some entries may no have a consignment. FIXME In what situation could this happens?
Persistent?No, it is a DataObjectYes, it is Hybris Item Type

Warehouse Integration

Replenishment and Order Scheduling

Store Locator

 Deep Linking

Fraud Detection

Explanation of the data model

Why are the data structures so different from SAP's ones?

Most of the services described here were built before Hybris 5.3. On those days Hybris was marketed to be a e-commerce platform covering all steps of the selling, ordering and logistics process with a monolitic architecture. Because of this, Hybris developed its own data structures for features which big companies outsource or implement on their ERP system like order splitting in consigments and fraud detection.
As developers we have to understand how the ERP works, then analyse the requirements for our shop and then decide if it is worth using the Hybris data structures and services and keep our custom code compatible with the next versions. If the business decides on the contrary, they have to understand the future costs and limitations. As developers, we have to do the most to keep our code compatible with Hybris.

–Based on SAP Hybris 1905